Welcome to JUST GAY GERMANY, an advocacy group for gay men based on biological sex (SEX). We fight for a common future in safety, freedom, integrity, and free from discrimination. We also work against exclusion within the LGBTQ+ community, for safe spaces, and the preservation of gay infrastructure. SEX and GENDER do not have to exclude each other but can coexist in mutual respect and recognition. While we do not define ourselves as queer, we are still part of the LGBTQ+ community, with our own needs and demands. JUST GAY is based in Osnabrück and is active throughout Germany. Do you have questions? Feel free to reach out to us. You can download our current flyer for free here. We are politically neutral and independent. Therefore, we do not make electoral recommendations. Furthermore, we reject funding from governmental sources. Here you can find our form if you are interested in becoming a member. Our members currently come from Germany / Denmark / Belgium / Switzerland / USA / UK. Regards, Florian Greller (Initiator and Leader)

 This is what we stand for and fight for:

  • We represent the interests of gay men to politics, society, and the rainbow community.
  • We fight against all forms of homophobia and demand the clear naming of the sources of this hatred.
  • We fight against all forms and possibilities of conversion therapies.
  • We fight for a life in freedom, integrity, and free from discrimination and exclusion.
  • We advocate for the preservation and expansion of safe spaces, the further development of infrastructure, and the holding of events.
  • We ensure that the voices of gay men are heard.
  • We defend our rights as gay men who desire and love same-sex partners.
  • We call on the LGBTQ+ community to recognize us as an independent advocacy group and to accept our principle of "Sex not Gender."
  • We fight for freedom of opinion and expression for gay men and our issues.
  • The legal category of biological sex must not be abolished.
  • We oppose the severe distortion of our history.
  • Gay man = adult person of male sex. Sexual orientation is homosexuality - Same Sex Attracted.

 Not Queer - No CIS - No identity - No social construct - No assigned gender.

 For whom do we speak?

We speak on behalf of the men of Just Gay and for all those who share our viewpoints. We cannot and do not want to speak for everyone. This is not possible, and we do not wish to do so.

Statement on Current Discussions:

  • We oppose the invisibility of homosexuals and insist on the clear identification of what being gay is and means. We demand that our definition be accepted and respected.
  • We firmly oppose the administration of puberty blockers to children and adolescents, and we say no to gender-affirming surgeries for those under 18 years of age. No to the S2K guidelines and the accompanying conversion and destruction of children and adolescents.
  • We reject surrogacy. There is no fundamental right to a child. Surrogacy also exploits women.
  • Refusal is not discrimination. No one has the right to attribute phobias or hatred to us when we say no. We decide which adult persons we desire and which we do not.
  • No, men do not become pregnant, menstruate, or have children. This privilege is exclusively reserved for women.
  • We say NO to the Self-Determination Act and the accompanying confidentiality prohibition. We reject the attempt to force us to lie. At minimum, the designation "trans person (TIM)" must be allowed. We also firmly oppose the disenfranchisement of parents.
  • We insist on private autonomy. We decide when we want recordings and when we do not. This also applies to the holding of events.
  • We are part of the rainbow community and will not allow ourselves to be excluded or defamed.
  • Men are men - women are women - inter are inter - trans persons are trans persons, and everyone has the right to live with dignity, respect, free from discrimination, and in safety in Germany. This requires mutual respect and the recognition of boundaries.
  • Biological sex must not be replaced by gender identity. We demand that biological sex be recorded as an independent gender legal category, clearly defined and documented. We do not oppose further genders by law, provided our rights are not curtailed. Regardless, the fact remains that there are two sexes.
  • Yes to the inclusion of sexual orientation in the Basic Law. No to the inclusion of sexual identity.
  • Women have the right to maintain their own safe spaces, to have their own sports competitions, to have their own events, and to have prisons exclusively for women. We call on politics to bring all sides to the table and seek solutions. The preservation of women’s rights and the integration and participation of trans individuals need not be mutually exclusive.
  • No to Islamism and political Islam.
  • No to anti-Semitism and for Jewish life in Germany and around the world. We are pro-Israel and fundamentally reject hatred.
  • A clear naming of where the hatred and hostility towards gay men comes from, without ideological blinders.
